
Friday, November 16, 2012


this makes me so happy! crocodile bags and shoes. so classy and so chic...and of course, no animals harmed because they're stella mccartney's. sweet! why can't all designers wake up to the fact that we live in a connected world, an innovative world, a world where animals aren't here for our exploitation, a world where the pollution and suffering of others does effect us even if we think it doesn't. we don't live isolated and in a bubble anymore. and yet...and designers(especially the big designers) still live in the past, like living with the belief that the world is flat. very few design houses have woken up to the reality that the world has changed, that we can't live the way we used to: unsustainable manufacturing practices, exploitation of workers, antiquated design materials like leather and fur. thank goodness for stella mccartney and other designers following in her footsteps: jill milan handbags, jeffrey campbell vegan line, cri de couer,  and more.  bravo for crocodile bags and shoes. i'm sure big old, scale-y crocodiles like them too. xoxoxo, am

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